而家嚟康怡廣場除咗可以探下潮人熱捧嘅卡通大嘴猴Julius外,一系列Paul Frank T恤、配飾、精品等潮物,亦喺康怡廣場嘅Paul Frank Pop-up store發售。猴年想添新衣應下節,就千祈唔好錯過呀!
After visiting Monkey King Julius at Kornhill Plaza, you might as well check out his Paul Frank pop-up store! With many fashion items and accessories, pick up a set of new clothes for a new you this Year of the Monkey!
日期 Date:22/1 -22/2
時間 Time:1pm – 8pm
地點 Venue:地下 G/F
#康怡廣場 #KornhillPlaza #PaulFrank #Julius #新年 #猴年 #CNY #PopUpStore