成立於1948年的緬甸國家航空今天 假九龍香格里拉大酒店舉行新航線發佈會,隆重宣佈最新增加香港往返仰光直航航線,藉著作為國際航空樞紐的香港,讓緬甸更緊密地連接到世界不同地方,亦為世界各地的旅客打開通往緬甸各處的方便之門。
緬甸國家航空香港往返仰光的最新國際直航航班,由全新波音737-800s客機營運,該客機設有三種客艙,分別為商務客艙、特選經濟客艙及經濟客艙。作為國家航空,緬甸國家航空機組人員致力提供真摯與優良的服務,客機配備升級的娛樂設施與更多元化的環球美食,讓旅客由登機一刻開始,感受緬甸的最好文化與傳統,實踐「journey of a lifetime」理念。
Myanmar National Airlines has announced today, at a reception at the Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel, that it is introducing a new direct service from Hong Kong to Yangon, 4 times weekly. The inaugural flight will be on December 4th 2015 and tickets are now on sale.
This route launch is truly historic and unique – it marks a return to Hong Kong for Myanmar National Airlines following a gap of 22 years. The airline had served the Kai Tak Airport in the city from the early 1950s until 1993 under its previous name, Union of Burma Airways.
Now, as Myanmar National Airlines, it will operate new, state-of-the-art Boeing 737-800s, acquired specifically for this route, and showcasing the airline’s popular new brand identity.
Featuring the very best of Myanmar hospitality and service, Myanmar National Airlines (MNA) will offer three-class service including Business Class, Premium Economy and Economy Class, as well as connections to 26 destinations throughout Myanmar at its Yangon hub.
Myanmar will offer a uniquely convenient schedule, with an afternoon departure from Hong Kong and arrival in Yangon each Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. On the return flight, it will offer an early morning departure from Yangon with a lunchtime arrival in Hong Kong.
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