【Slide the City 最新官方短片】今次首度加入航拍,以嶄新角度去睇 1000呎長滑水道更加有feel~見到美國Sliders咁投入,我地好想即刻瘋瀡呀~!!!Check out the new official...Posted by Slide The City HONG KONG on 2015年7月17日
【Slide the City 最新官方短片】
今次首度加入航拍,以嶄新角度去睇 1000呎長滑水道更加有feel~見到美國Sliders咁投入,我地好想即刻瘋瀡呀~!!!🏻Check out the new official promo with aerial shot! Can't wait to make a splash at the 1000ft water slide!!!#slidethecityhk #slidethecity #hksummerPosted by Slide The City HONG KONG on 2015年7月17日
【Slide the City世界巡迴瀡🏄🏻💦】
今個周末有好幾個城市都舉行緊Slide the City, 加拿大Edmonton呢個仲係首個識轉彎嘅!
不過我地香港站都唔嘢少, 係全球首個座擁海景嘅Slide!
Slide the City around the world! This one in Edmonton is the first slide with a turn! How about ours? It'll be the first waterside slide! Enjoy the stunning view of the Victoria Harbor while sliding~ Not bad huh?
#slidethecity #slidethecityhk #hksummer
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