個人大力推介~ROYCE 神物 朱古力薯片 巧克力 薯片 日本 機場必敗手信 名物 伴手禮
每次到日本必敗手信,ROYCE 朱古力, 香港一盒要100-120HKD
日本買呢,660日元一盒(生朱古力/朱古力薯片) 機價免稅價
每次到日本必敗手信,ROYCE 朱古力, 香港一盒要100-120HKD
日本買呢,660日元一盒(生朱古力/朱古力薯片) 機價免稅價
- Potatochip Chocolate
[Original] - The eye-opening combination of salty potato chips with chocolate, creating a perfect harmony.
- Storage Temperature: Below 25°C
Shelf Life: 1 month
Content: 190g
- Potatochip Chocolate
[Caramel] - Crispy potato chips coated on one side with caramel-flavored white chocolate.
- Storage Temperature: Below 25°C
Shelf Life: 1 month
Content: 190g
- Potatochip Chocolate [Fromage Blanc]
- Potato chips coated with cheese-flavored white chocolate. The unique combination will astonish your taste buds.
- Storage Temperature: Below 25°C
Shelf Life: 1 month
Content: 190g